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Joy Choir Membership Agreement 

Joy Choir Terms and Conditions: Membership Agreement

This is an Agreement between You, the Member and Joy Choir.
By following the membership process you are accepting the terms and conditions of the Agreement.

  1. This Membership Agreement commences as soon as you have signed up to become a member of Joy Choir. By accepting these terms you are agreeing to pay any applicable fees shown at the start of the joining process and again before confirming your Direct Debit.

  2. By becoming a member of Joy Choir, you consent to receiving communications relating to your membership, local events and information from Joy Choir.

  3. All arrangements of music, concepts and resources used in Joy Choir are owned by Joy Choir. When becoming a member of Joy Choir no such material is to be used, amended, copied or replicated in any other event, community or at any venue. In such cases, legal action will be taken.

  4. You will be able to access online resources of Joy Choir, providing fees and membership are up to date.

  5. Forwarding material accessed on the Members Area to non-members of Joy Choir is strictly prohibited and in such case, legal action will be taken. Likewise, membership account details are for the individual member only, sharing account details with anyone else in order to gain access to material accessed on the Members Area is strictly prohibited and in such case, legal action will be taken.

  6. Joy Choir rehearses up to 38 weeks of the year. In the event that rehearsals are cancelled due to the Choir Director’s health, adverse weather conditions or unforeseen circumstances, rehearsals may be rescheduled. Refunds for missed rehearsals will not be given.

  7. Joy Choir will only proceed at its current price with a minimum sized group. If this minimum is not achieved, the choir fees may be increased to cover financial costs in order to keep the choir going.

  8. Membership fees may vary each year, in any case members will be notified of any changes in advance.

  9. By becoming a member of Joy Choir, you consent to photographs, sound and video recordings to be taken for the promotion, marketing and advertisement of Joy Choir.

  10. You have the right to cancel your membership within seven days of joining without explanation. After, any cancellations will be informed of by email to and your Direct Debit will be cancelled for the following month. Refunds of that month will not be given.

  11. You may interrupt and pause your membership at any point for exceptional reasons (made known to and agreed to by Joy Choir), during which time your membership account will be deactivated, and you will agree not to receive any material available to members forwarded by other Joy Choir members. In such case, legal action will be taken.

  12. Any pausing of membership will be for no more than three months, any longer may result in your membership being cancelled. Failure to notify Joy Choir through email will result in membership fees being collected.

  13. You cannot transfer your membership or account details to anyone else.

  14. By unsubscribing to emails and communication from Joy Choir, you take full responsibility to any losses incurred through information not known or shared.

  15. You agree to pay a monthly Direct Debit of £25.25 to Joy Choir for membership, failing to do so will result in your membership being cancelled and you will not be allowed to attend rehearsals, performances or Joy Choir socials.

  16. You agree to have understood Joy Choir’s privacy policy available to read on the website.

  17. You agree to immediately inform Joy Choir of any changes to contact information, by updating your membership profile and emailing

  18. By becoming a member of Joy Choir, applicants are assumed to be medically fit to undertake the vocal and physical demands of Joy Choir. If an individual has any doubts, these should be indicated to Joy Choir prior to their application.

  19. You confirm that you are at least 18 years old or have the permission from an adult with parental responsibilities.

  20. Aged 14 to 17 you must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian at your first rehearsal who must provide written agreement of your membership and acceptance of these terms and conditions and proof of identity such as a passport or photo driving license and proof of legal guardianship if required. Following this you may attend unaccompanied. However Joy Choir has no responsibility for your welfare outside of the rehearsals.

  21. Joy Choir aims to make rehearsals a safe and welcoming place for all its members. You agree to respect all members, the Choir Director, the rehearsal venue/staff, performance venue/staff and to conduct yourself appropriately during rehearsals, performances and Joy Choir social events.

  22. Rehearsals begin at 19.30. You agree to aim to be punctual and in the event of being late, to enter discreetly and not to interrupt the rehearsal.

  23. Joy Choir is not responsible for damage to person or personal belongings whilst attending rehearsals and performances or before and after rehearsals and performances.

  24. Joy Choir Members are responsible for their own property and well-being whilst attending all rehearsals and performances.

  25. Amendments may be made to these terms and conditions, in such case you will be notified.

  26. Failing to comply with the terms and conditions will result in the termination of your membership without a refund.

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